Recommendations and help
The digital format is ideal for reproducing any design and that is why we always recommend it to all our clients.
To send digital files, all texts must be vectorized. For maximum reliability and color correspondence throughout the process, we recommend working the original files with the Pantone® Coated (“C” bright) color range. The size of the image must be equal to or greater than the size to be reproduced, otherwise pre-printing work will be required (additional cost).
Programs like Adobe Illustrator, Freehand or Corel Draw.
For this type of files we will also consider including or embedding all externally linked images.
Programs like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Photo Paint.
For this type of files we will also consider presenting it at 300 dpi resolution, if they are in color in CMYK mode. Lower qualities will also require additional costs.
Original on Paper
Note that the better the quality of the original, the better the reproduction quality and the less manipulation work.
If you send us a drawing, it must be done in marker or flat ink. As we manufacture with flat inks, the best and most recommended way is that you send us designs made with this technique.